Facelift Surgery Scotland

Brow Surgery

Browlift Surgery

As with eyelid surgery, age can cause the skin on the forehead / brow to droop, resulting in a constantly tired look. It is also important to understand the relationship between the forehead and the eyes as in many cases both areas have to be addressed to effectively improve the overall look of the upper face. Brow lift surgery is a simple procedure which is commonly used to address this issue which freshens and tightens the appearance of the upper half of the face making the face overall look younger and brighter.

The procedure is performed under sedation or a general anaesthetic and takes approximately two hours to complete depending on the technique used. There two techniques commonly used are described below.

Open Brow Lift

During this procedure, the surgeon will make an incision from one ear, along or slightly back from the hairline to your other ear. The surgeon will gently lift the forehead skin from the underlying tissue structures after which they will either tighten or reduce the muscle structure. The surgeon will then reposition the skin, remove any excess and stitch the skin in place.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

In this procedure, the surgeon will make several small incisions towards the front of the scalp through which a tiny camera is inserted. The camera is attached to a display in the operating theatre and by doing this the surgeon is able operate on the underlying structures above the hairline. The eyebrows can then be lifted and held in place with stitches, or temporary screws behind the hairline, the incisions are then closed.

Some endoscopic lifts are done using a device known as an “Endotine Anchor” which is a small device made from a form of soluble plastic which the body tissues can reabsorb over time. In a browlift it will take up to 2 months for the lifted tissues to reattach to the bone. During this period, these anchors which have small spikes to hold the repositioned skin in place during this phase of healing.

During your consultation, your surgeon will go through all the options above and discuss with you what you want to achieve from surgery and based on this he will advise which technique and or combination of procedures will give you the optimum result.


  • Browlift £5,800
  • Browlift using Endotine Anchors £7,000

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If you would like to make an enquiry about any of our procedures please call our team on 0141 328 3135 or simply complete our Enquiry Form and a member of our team will return your call at a time of your choosing.

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